Years of
Client base
Art Director
Having lost all hopes of losing weight due to thyroid, prediabetic and being a heavy smoker. Finally got in touch with Dt Lata Sharma in 2015 and lost 14 kgs in 7 months time and left smoking and removed all medicine for diabetes. Her counselling is best though she takes a bit extra time on counselling that is her USP, she has her own way of motivating .Her plans are so well designed that a foody like me never feel craving or hunger pangs. I wish her all the best and of course, look forward to continuing my weight loss program till I achieve my ideal body weight.
Product Configuration Specialist
Hi , my name is Sonakshi Vishal Gaur and I work as product Configuration Specialist and with this busy schedule and stress days. I didn’t how to manage my work and live, and because of this, I ended up gaining more weight. But after meeting Dt. Lata Sharma, not only I have improved in my diet but it completely changed by lifestyle, from start of the end tillthe end of it. Now I can manage by busy life in a smooth manner and obviously an upgrade in the lifestyle
I really want to thanks Dr Lata Sharma (an amazing dietitian) who completely transformed the way I thought about food. She taught me 'Diet is a lifestyle, not a punishment'. Her recommended diet is always tastier, healthier , full of variety and gives us high energy level throughout the day. I never felt deprived or hungry with her diet .After following her diet I always feel light and energetic and iam loving the positive changes its bringing in my life. I am a happier person now. More health and happiness to my beautiful Dietitian.
Administrative Officer
Its been few months since I have started visiting Dt Lata Sharma and I observed transformation not only in my weight but almost in all aspects of life..to be shifting to healthier food or to stay calm...to managing stress ...to perform better and finding a "new me"
I would like to thank Dt Lata Sharma for her guidance and personalised approach towards the problem statement,i never thought how a balanced diet can help you overcome such complex problems.I consulted her 2 years back when going through some hormonal disorder and was not able to conceive due to this problem from last 3 years.My husband advised me to consult her once for healthy lifestyle. Though my focus was not too much on losing weight but I lost approx. 7 kgs in 3 months time and within 5 months after consulting her I conceived. In my pregnancy period as well I consulted her for a healthy pregnancy. Also she helped me to lose my post pregnancy weight. Her approach was not limited towards a healthy and balanced diet but how to live stress free life and not to think so much. Following simple,balanced diet plan and making changes in the lifestyle can help you in lot of other ways as well.
I had always believed that losing weight wasn't very tough. But ever since I consciously embarked on this journey, I realised that it was a Herculean task. But to soothe out my pain in the endeavour Dr. Lata Sharma came in as an angel. She is ever encouraging, thoroughly supports and is an ultimate guide. I never knew losing weight could be so delicious and could have such variety. I look forward to my meetings with her, with an eager wait for a new tasty super food that she will add to my diet. Overall I would say that I am dieting but it doesn't hamper my productivity in any way, rather I feel more active and light due to the right diet that she suggests. Her way of getting me on to exercise and helping me build up my stamina has been wonderful. Overall I have an amazing experience with her.
Home Maker
Dt. Lata. She is the person who introduce me to health fitness and positivity in my life. She brought my old days back where I'm slim beautiful and confident. Best thing is she makes plan which are practical to follow. No starvation and lots of option in every meal taking care of one's likes m dislikes. Now I am on my right way where eat healthy nutritious n enjoy
Interior Designer
I am based out of NewYorkCity and found about freshlime wellness through my search. I wanted an Indian dietician and nutritionist who understood Indian palettes and foods better. I am so impressed by Ms Lata Sharma, she is the best dietician I would have gotten. She understands my schedule and preferences so well. It’s been 5 weeks into the plan and not only I have lost 7 pounds and several inches but also, my digestion have improved a great deal. I had gastronomical issues before starting the diet and after being 5 weeks into the diet I seldom use gastronomical aids. One of the best part of dealing with Ms. Sharma is she is always available Incase I have any questions and doubts. She is thousands of miles away but always there whenever needed, she is so particular and on spot with communication and always checking on well being of her clients. I am super excited for coming several weeks of following her diet plans and suggestions.
IT Professional
I never had any idea that I can lose weight without starving myself. After starting the monthly diet plan with Ms. Lata, I got a new perspective about healthy eating and losing weight in a healthy way. I have lost 2 kgs in 1.5 months. More to lose ahead.... But in a healthy way. Thanks Ms. Lata