When winter comes, we become lazy, and it is easy to lose motivation. How many of you were on your weight loss journey and in winter lost all track?
People start procrastinating to start when summer sets in. If you are among these, sharing ways to motivate yourself to do the workout.
First WHY?
Determine what drives you to DO workout. Is it some health-related issue? Or you are trying to adopt a healthy lifestyle? Do you want to feel energetic?? Or do you want to set an example for your children?
Are you looking to connect with like-minded people?
1. Focus on the good – It’s all about training your mindset, it’s not weather, it is all in your mind. Remember, how you feel after the workout/how you feel relaxed/less stressed/how your mood becomes better/how active and energetic you will feel after the workout?
2 weather will be cold outside it's obvious, instead of cribbing enjoy and adapt by wearing the proper active wear. Layer your activewear by wearing cotton full sleeves, then layer with woollens and the outer layer windcheater to protect you from the wind.
3. Warm up before leaving – Don’t miss warm-up and stretching, it is always important but becomes more important in winter as you are at an increased risk for sprains and injuries. A warm-up will increase blood circulation, which can prevent injuries. Do this at home before going out and let me tell you can not stop yourself after this.
4. Exercise at the time when it works for you – Many people get frustrated when it’s dark in the morning or evening. The solution is to work out in the middle of the day. If you are working, then put on exercise clothes when coming home from work. Know what time of the day works for you.
5. Preparation is the key – Prepare a night before your workout clothes, yoga mat, and sports shoes. I can guarantee you will do it.
Working out is a lifestyle, adopt it to that level where no weather, nothing should stop you from doing it regularly.