Summer can be a challenging time for many people due to the hot weather, which can drain the body of its energy and leave people feeling lethargic. There are several reasons why you may feel low on energy during summer.
One of the primary reasons is
1. Disrupted sleep patterns - When you are exposed to sunlight for long periods during the day, it can impact the secretion of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep. Poor sleep quality can cause fatigue and low energy levels, making it difficult to function effectively during the day.
To combat this, it's essential to maintain a consistent sleep routine, avoid using mobile phones and watching TV before bedtime, and keep the room dark and cool to promote better sleep quality.
2. Dehydration is another common reason for feeling low on energy during summer.
In hot weather, the body loses fluids through sweating, leading to dehydration.
Dehydration can cause fatigue and affect physical performance.
To stay hydrated, it's crucial to drink at least three litres of water per day and include fluids like coconut water, bael water, Aam panna, and buttermilk. Eating fruits like melons, which are rich in water content, can also help keep the body hydrated.
3. Overeating or consuming heavy meals can also cause lethargy and make you feel sleepy. The body naturally reduces appetite in summers, so it's essential to eat smaller, frequent meals and include more fruits and vegetables in your diet. Avoiding high-carbohydrate and fried foods can also help maintain energy levels. 4. Many people turn to caffeine to combat low energy levels, but overconsumption of caffeine can dehydrate the body and provide temporary energy boosts. Instead of caffeine, choose refreshing drinks like herbal teas, infused water, and fresh juices to stay hydrated and energized. 5. Physical inactivity is another common cause of lethargy during summers. The hot weather can discourage physical activity, leading to poor blood circulation and oxygenation, which can cause lethargy. Engaging in low-impact exercises like yoga, water activities, or indoor workouts can promote blood circulation and increase oxygenation, thus combating lethargy. Overall, by following these strategies, you can boost your energy levels and enjoy the summer season to the fullest.